
We wake up every morning with this beautiful view of Table mountain.Its not only one of
the new seven wonders of the world but
its also the only one who has star consolation
named after it.
Its also one of the main motivation for our
fueling our passion for having classic car
company in Cape Town.
Its meer presences assures us every morning that we living in the right city for us.
About Us...

Moritz Wrubel aka "Moritz von Kapstadt"
Dirk Salomon
Vielleicht Du?!
Without any previous knowledge about South Africa and its people, my planned one year adventure turned into so much more…
My journey began on 31st May 2007 when I left my country Germany and took a plane to South Africa. "ClassicDepot Cape Town" started off in January 2015 with a my good friend, Dirk Salomon. We would like to invite you to come with us on fascinating journey of Cape Town, not only as Guides in classic cars but as trusted friend who have had the opportunity to discover the great region that is Cape Town.
At 19 I had my first classic car and was excited about the design,the technical aspects and the smell of old classic cars. I honestly feel that an old timer is always telling us stories, you only
have to take the time and listen carefully.
In 1999 I opened classic depot berlin and today its the market leader in germany. Becuse older timer season is only few months in germany, it makes sense to extend this season in South
Afirca. Cape Town has been for many years my winter escape destination and therefore was
the perfect option for second classic depot.
You live in cape town, you study in cape town or you always wanted to live in cape town. Your
excited about old cars, your english is perfect
and you did not fall onto your mouth and you
can operate Mac with your eyes close?
Why have we not recieve your job application yet? On info@classicdepot.com